935 households have been added to the Logan By Name list since December 2021.
Of those, 290 households were surveyed using the Vulnerability Index Service Prioritisation Decision Assistance Tool (Vi-SPDAT). 77% were highly vulnerable indicating long term or permanent supports required to assist them to sustain housing.
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples continue to be overrepresented in the data as well as experiences of chronic homelessness.
In collecting quality data, we can better understand and advocate to end homelessness and ensure it is rare, brief and non-recurring.
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Collecting quality data helps us to better understand and advocate to end homelessness and ensure it is rare, brief and non-recurring.
In Logan, highly vulnerable people experiencing homelessness often face multiple morbidities. This impacts on their ability to navigate the homelessness system.
In mapping individual journeys and their interactions with the hospital system, we begin to see the complexities of these systems, the impacts on individuals, and opportunities for change.
Use this guide to create your own client journey maps for systems advocacy
Obtaining and storing identification documents are ongoing challenges for people experiencing homelessness.
Logan Zero has compiled two step by step guides that assist people and services to support people in obtaining identification in Queensland.
(Last updated Sept 2023)
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Homelessness in Australia can be ended by commitment from governments, new report finds
The Centre for Social Impact (CSI), the Australian Alliance to End Homelessness (AAEH) and Neami National have launched a comprehensive new report that demonstrates how solvable homelessness is in Australia.
Could the ‘Advance to Zero’ approach help end homelessness in Australia? – ABC News
A new way to tackle homelessness is yielding concrete results. The ‘zero’ approach aims to have more people exiting homelessness than entering at any one time. Now a city in inner Melbourne has become the first community in Australia to achieve real measurable change.
In March 2022 community representatives got together for a conversation about ending homelessness in Logan.
We know that there is a housing and homelessness pandemic in Logan.
What can be done to solve it?
The Logan Zero team, and community service members joined David Pearson, CEO of the Australian Alliance to End Homelessness for this important conversation.
In March 2022 community representatives got together for a conversation about ending homelessness in Logan.
We know that there is a housing and homelessness pandemic in Logan.
What can be done to solve it?
The Logan Zero team, and community service members joined David Pearson, CEO of the Australian Alliance to End Homelessness for this important conversation.
Watch the video
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